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Sources on Raven's Stories

We have written several stories related to Raven in our 7th book - “Folktales from Canada”. Then we came to know that not only these but many stories of Raven are in fashion. So we decided to publish a separate book containing the stories of Raven-1 and Raven-2. Then who is this Raven?

Raven is like a big crow bird and has a special place in many countries. It is the national bird of some states and territories of Canada. It is considered a bird of ill omen and is related to Creation myths. It is associated with dead and with lost souls. In Sweden it is known as the ghost of murdered people.

In stories from ancient Sumeria to Eastern Siberia, the Raven appears as a creator and a trickster. He is the hero of many stories of the oral traditions of the Tingrit and other native groups along the Northwest coast of the US.  He often uses trickery to either bring good fortune to the people or to cause mischief. Full of magical, supernatural power, Raven could turn himself into anything at any time.

The stories vary from Seattle to Northern Alaska, but the themes are the same. He was motivated by greed, and he loved to tease, cheat, woo and trick. Most of the stories are about how clever Raven is.

Raven is supposed to be a very powerful bird. It has many supernatural powers. It can change itself into any form whenever it wants to.  He could change from a bird to a man, and could not only fly and walk, but could swim underwater as fast as any fish.

Raven and the Tower of London
You must be surprised to know that Raven is closely associated with Tower of London. The Ravens are one of The Tower's most famous sights. These magnificent birds have lived within its walls for hundreds of years and legend has it that, if they leave its compound, the kingdom will fall. Look out for these unique guardians around The Tower and make sure you visit their lodgings. Tourists from all over the world cite the ravens as a major factor in their visit, second only to the Crown Jewels. Ravens have been in the Tower for centuries, possibly since Roman times.

Each bird has one clipped wing, so they cannot fly far, but as many visitors have discovered they can walk very fast.

Some Information About Raven
1. A group of Ravens is a "MURDER."
2. In addition to their natural calls, Ravens can also imitate other birds, falling water, and even the melody from a music box or the tinkling of an ice cream truck.
3. In Greek mythology Apollo considered Raven a prophet as do the the Bororos of present day Brazil.
4. The Teutonic story of Odin had the Raven be the messenger carrier of the gods.
5. Irish legend said the Raven was the goddess.
6. William the Conqueror had a Raven on his flag for good luck.
7. Swiss and Danish legend has Raven as the hunting helper.
8. Tibetian religious tradition considers Raven the only messenger of the supreme being.



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Created by Sushma Gupta on November 27, 2013
Modified on 03/15/19